A forlorn hyperion (a tree) stands in one of the corners of the Earth, barren, without a leaf nor a tiny bloom on its canopy .In one of its protruding branches there sits a young Robin with its vision directed towards the transcending environment filled with unexpected chaos. The bird laments its tiny thoughts from its pygmy brain with a highly varying sequence of chirrupings.It goes like this,”Oh, you mentally self mutated beings of mischiefs and infinite pride, What do you think that you are doing in the name of science and development? Are you aware of your soon coming destruction? Why do you indirectly starve for the painful curses of the other creatures?Do you know something, you are actually committing a gradual
SUICIDE,we together are connected by brawny fetters or wonders and harmony called as THE NATURE,but you decide for yourselves that you are superior over all the feeble and mighty organisms in our common territory.”WITH POWER COMES A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY” it’s okay to have a powerful EMPEROR filled the ability to solve perplexing issues but a leader should care and protect his empire and its citizens.Be honest and think for yourselves, do you protect the Earth and its organisms? IMPOSSIBLE, isn’t it? Instead you do the exact opposite of the above statement . But we still have the hope that you will surely change one day….”saying so the li’l Robin hears a CREAK, it flies with a broken heart and a fading hope bidding farewell to the old Hyperion whose pinnacle reaches the ground within minutes, after being stricken by the heartless beings called the ‘HOMO SAPIENS’,in search of a new branch to rest upon……..
-Michael Robin.K


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