Graduation Day...

Heyya folks!!!
I just got graduated outta High School, yesterday.
And we've made some tweaks, the transition is no more...cuz...
I don't feel that it's my calling or to be precise I just can't come out of my cow costume ig.
It took me 17 years, 17 whole years to understand a speck of myself.
                                     Who am I?
It's not me anymore, I've kinda figured out that I'm a hardcore introvert and i just can't get over this feeling that I can't comprehend with mere words and thoughts.
I ain't sure why ,it's way too complex for me to understand.So about yesterday...

T'was no biggie, actually, got in the car,shrugged shoulders with the seatbelt for every question I was asked, reached campus and I kinda got this feeling as if my heart had a blackhole spawned within and was sucking in my entire self with potential.
T'was still alright, gotta see smiles that made me smile back with my glitching masked lips.
And as people started pouring in...THE SWITCH FLICKED BACK ON!!!
I felt this eerie chill all over my epidermis and a sorta subtle numbness panning across my neurons leaving me frozen in disaster.
I didn't know what to do or how to overcome this feeling.
I actually started to regret showing up for graduation, tis not my thing, people, I'm not used to this and I'm trying to pretend to be like everyone else. But, in the end of the day I'm left with myself with a lost personality.
My FFF response kicked in as I desperately wanted to come over and be normal like everyone else, i tried calling my college mates and tried establishing convos with them but to no avail.
tbh, I was waiting to run away somewhere...
The only thing that kept me alive was the graduation song,This world is yours
But something glued me to the chair😭😭😭. And
then ,my guardian angel showed up!!!
Seems though he was searching for me all this time and couldn't call me as there's no network reception in campus.
At last I felt light and I would've floated away if it was not for him to hold me down.
That's him in the pic above, he's so cool and just the person I could rely upon for anything. Thank you Bestie ❤️πŸ«‚...
I dozed on him as i was all drained being an introvert.
Then came the great TC Aadityaa, we kinda spent some time talking abstract stuff.
T'was time to leave, my moment of escape, but I couldn't.
I had this feeling of guilt for not spending enough with my close ones but I didn't have another choice, it's me afterall...
Bid my Besties-cum-sibs farewell...
Took my final snap,
and off i went...
Flying free again with wide open wings...
Being an introvert is hard but ain't it just amazing to be someone completely different from the others...
If you're a hardcore introvert, you're not alone...and you're no less than anyone, you're just amazing ❤️✨✨✨
See y'all soon probably...
From your weird Introverted Programmer.


  1. Great work Man, really appreciate ur self-understanding

  2. Great work mate! well expressed :)

  3. Was able to relate to this word for word!! This is so me in every single social situation ever! Couldn't help nodding in agreement after every sentence πŸ˜…Wonderfully written!

  4. Awesome muu ✨✨✨😌πŸ”₯

  5. Amazing broo keep it coming and be who you were created to be you are special πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡❤


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